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Alta Moda Cashmere 16 by Lana Grossa

78% Virgin Wool, 12% Cashmere, 10% Polyamide, ~110m/50g

€7.95 * / 50g
Item weight:50g
(Basic price €159.00 * / 1 kg)

* Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

  • LG1785
    • 110m
    • 50g
    • 8,00
    • 15 M / 20 R
    • Handwäsche
    • ~400g
Wählen Sie ihre Variation aus... more
3 taupe
3 taupe
EAN: 4033493182201
Art.-Nr.: 17850003
Ready to ship (6) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
9 petrol
9 petrol
EAN: 4033493182263
Art.-Nr.: 17850009
Ready to ship (13) !
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
10 dunkelrot
10 dunkelrot
EAN: 4033493182270
Art.-Nr.: 17850010
Ready to ship (9) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
13 nachtgrau
13 nachtgrau
EAN: 4033493182300
Art.-Nr.: 17850013
Ready to ship (12) !
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
14 anthrazit
14 anthrazit
EAN: 4033493182317
Art.-Nr.: 17850014
Ready to ship (2) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
15 schwarz
15 schwarz
EAN: 4033493182324
Art.-Nr.: 17850015
Ready to ship (12) !
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
16 rohweiß
° 16 rohweiß
EAN: 4033493182331
Art.-Nr.: 17850016
Ready to ship (3) !
We expect a new delivery on 1 August 2025
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
23 beigerosa
23 beigerosa
EAN: 4033493221245
Art.-Nr.: 17850023
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
25 dunkelgrau
25 dunkelgrau
EAN: 4033493221276
Art.-Nr.: 17850025
Ready to ship (2) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
27 burgund
27 burgund
EAN: 4033493221283
Art.-Nr.: 17850027
Ready to ship (17) !
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
33 taubenblau
33 taubenblau
EAN: 4033493241021
Art.-Nr.: 17850033
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
34 minttürkis
34 minttürkis
EAN: 4033493241038
Art.-Nr.: 17850034
Ready to ship (20) !
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
37 dunkelpetrol
37 dunkelpetrol
EAN: 4033493260497
Art.-Nr.: 17850037
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
39 zartrosa
39 zartrosa
EAN: 4033493260510
Art.-Nr.: 17850039
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
45 graugrün
45 graugrün
EAN: 4033493277815
Art.-Nr.: 17850045
Ready to ship (8) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
48 hellbraun
48 hellbraun
EAN: 4033493304542
Art.-Nr.: 17850048
Ready to ship (5) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
50 graugelb
* 50 graugelb
EAN: 4033493304566
Art.-Nr.: 17850050
Ready to ship (8) !
More? Please ask -> contact form
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
51 avocadogrün
51 avocadogrün
EAN: 4033493304573
Art.-Nr.: 17850051
Ready to ship (8) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
52 kressegrün
* 52 kressegrün
EAN: 4033493304580
Art.-Nr.: 17850052
Ready to ship (2) !
More? Please ask -> contact form
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
53 rauchblau
53 rauchblau
EAN: 4033493304597
Art.-Nr.: 17850053
Ready to ship (15) !
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
54 pastellblau
54 pastellblau
EAN: 4033493304603
Art.-Nr.: 17850054
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
56 marine
56 marine
EAN: 4033493320030
Art.-Nr.: 17850056
Ready to ship (10) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
57 schwarzgrün
57 schwarzgrün
EAN: 4033493320047
Art.-Nr.: 17850057
Ready to ship (6) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
58 lodengrün
58 lodengrün
EAN: 4033493320054
Art.-Nr.: 17850058
Ready to ship (19) !
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
59 senfgelb
^ 59 senfgelb
EAN: 4033493320061
Art.-Nr.: 17850059
Ready to ship (13) !
Then sold out!
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
60 fuchsia
60 fuchsia
EAN: 4033493320078
Art.-Nr.: 17850060
Ready to ship (8) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
61 mauve
61 mauve
EAN: 4033493320085
Art.-Nr.: 17850061
Ready to ship (17) !
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
62 terrakotta
62 terrakotta
EAN: 4033493320092
Art.-Nr.: 17850062
Ready to ship (14) !
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
63 sandgelb
^ 63 sandgelb
EAN: 4033493320108
Art.-Nr.: 17850063
Ready to ship (15) !
Then sold out!
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
64 nussbraun
64 nussbraun
EAN: 4033493345361
Art.-Nr.: 17850064
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
65 graubraun
65 graubraun
EAN: 4033493345378
Art.-Nr.: 17850065
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
66 gelb
66 gelb
EAN: 4033493345385
Art.-Nr.: 17850066
Ready to ship (9) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
67 pastellgrün
67 pastellgrün
EAN: 4033493345392
Art.-Nr.: 17850067
Ready to ship (9) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
68 hellblau
68 hellblau
EAN: 4033493345408
Art.-Nr.: 17850068
Ready to ship (7) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
69 erika
69 erika
EAN: 4033493345415
Art.-Nr.: 17850069
Ready to ship (3) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
70 blauviolett
70 blauviolett
EAN: 4033493345422
Art.-Nr.: 17850070
Ready to ship (8) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€7.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Erleben Sie Luxus pur mit Alta Moda Cashmere 16 von Lana Grossa Sie suchen nach dem... more
Product information "Alta Moda Cashmere 16 by Lana Grossa"

Erleben Sie Luxus pur mit Alta Moda Cashmere 16 von Lana Grossa

Sie suchen nach dem ultimativen Strickerlebnis, das Ihnen Komfort und Eleganz gleichermaßen bietet? Dann ist Alta Moda Cashmere 16 von Lana Grossa die perfekte Wahl für Sie. Dieses exklusive Strickgarn vereint hochwertige Materialien und erstklassige Verarbeitung, um Ihnen ein unvergleichliches Ergebnis zu garantieren.

Das von Lana Grossa hergestellte Alta Moda Cashmere 16 besteht zu 78% aus feinster Schurwolle, 12% Kaschmir und 10% Polyamid. Dieses einzigartige Garn bietet Ihnen die ideale Mischung aus Wärme, Weichheit und Haltbarkeit. Mit einer beeindruckenden Lauflänge von etwa 110 Metern pro 50 Gramm Knäuel und einer empfohlenen Nadelstärke von 8, ist dieses Garn ideal für verschiedenste Strickprojekte geeignet.

Das Highlight dieses Garns ist zweifellos die Verwendung von 16 Mikron Merinowolle mit Kaschmiranteil. Diese feinen Fasern machen Alta Moda Cashmere 16 unglaublich weich und anschmiegsam auf der Haut. Das Kettengarn sorgt für eine gleichmäßige Textur und ermöglicht ein schnelles Strickerlebnis, das Sie begeistern wird.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, die wunderbare Strickanleitung für einen Raglanpullover aus Alta Moda Cashmere 16 auf YouTube zu entdecken. Dieses Garn eröffnet Ihnen endlose Möglichkeiten für kreative Projekte, sei es ein elegantes Pulloverdesign oder ein luxuriöser Schal.

Erleben Sie die Welt des Strickens auf eine völlig neue Weise mit Alta Moda Cashmere 16 von Lana Grossa. Gönnen Sie sich den Luxus, den Sie verdienen, und verwandeln Sie hochwertige Materialien in zeitlose Meisterwerke. Bestellen Sie Ihr Knäuel noch heute und tauchen Sie ein in die Welt des Strickens mit Stil.

Strickanleitung als YouTube-Video: Raglanpullover aus Alta Moda Cashmere 16 ↗

Material: Kaschmir, Schurwolle, Synthetik
coloring: Einfarbig
Season: Frühjahr, Herbst, Winter
special feature: Kettengarn, Schnellstrickgarn
Alphabetical: A
article category: Garne
Related links to "Alta Moda Cashmere 16 by Lana Grossa"

LANA GROSSA Mode mit Wolle Handels- und Vertriebs GmbH
Ingolstädter Straße 86
85080 Gaimersheim
[email protected]

Farbe 34 rot Cool Merino by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 8 aubergine/graubraun/antikviolett/oliv/rost/mint/hell-/nacht- /veilchenblau/rosenholz Pappagallo by Lana Grossa
€11.95 * / 100g €14.95 (Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 6 dunkelbraun Spuma by Lana Grossa
€7.16 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €143.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €143.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1606 schwarzrot meliert Cool Wool Big by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 29 lachsrot Brillino by Lana Grossa
€3.95 * / 25g (Basic price €158.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €158.00 / 1 kg)
Silkhair Farbe 176 Silkhair by Lana Grossa
€9.95 * / 25g (Basic price €398.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €398.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 41 orange Per Lei GOTS by Lana Grossa
€4.95 * / 50g (Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 6526 neonorange/zartorange Cool Wool Merino Print by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7166 dunkelblau Cool Wool Big Vintage by Lana Grossa
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 (Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
Bingo Mélange GOTS von Lana Grossa (328 koralle meliert) Bingo Melange GOTS by Lana Grossa
€3.57 * / 50g €5.95 (Basic price €71.40 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €71.40 / 1 kg)
Farbe 57 weinrot Cashmere 16 fine by Lana Grossa
€9.95 * / 50g (Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
Merino 200 Bebe superwash by Lang YARNS Merino 200 Bebe superwash by Lang YARNS
€6.25 * / 50g (Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 229 pink Cool Merino Big by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 641 fuchsia/rosabeige/rost/gelb/dunkelbraun/grau meliert Meilenweit About Berlin Yak Colorblock by Lana...
€12.95 * / 100g (Basic price €129.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €129.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 511 regenbogen Jawoll Twin by Lang YARNS
€3.96 * / 50g €4.95 (Basic price €79.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe 2536 hellgrün/grün/ecru/anthrazit/aubergine/jeans Meilenweit Merino extrafine Stella by Lana Grossa
€10.95 * / 100g (Basic price €109.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €109.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 369 zartlila/-rosa/pfirsich/graublau/fliederrosa Gomitolo Alpaca by Lana Grossa
€11.95 * / 100g €14.95 (Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 4416 hell-/mittelgrau/hellgrün/hellblau/weiß/türkis Meilenweit 4-ply 100g Piccolo by Lana Grossa
€7.50 * / 100g (Basic price €75.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €75.00 / 1 kg)
Meilenweit 100 Seta Adriana by Lana Grossa Meilenweit 100 Seta Adriana by Lana Grossa
€9.95 * / 100g (Basic price €99.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.50 / 1 kg)
Cara by Lana Grossa Cara by Lana Grossa
€5.96 * / 50g €7.95 (Basic price €119.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.20 / 1 kg)
Meilenweit 4-fach 100g Merino Christmas by Lana Grossa Meilenweit 4-fach 100g Merino Christmas by Lana...
€8.05 * / 100g €8.95 (Basic price €80.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €80.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 413 rosa Landlust Alpaka Merino 160 by Lana Grossa
€8.95 * / 50g (Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 34 rot Cool Merino by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 74 atlantik Snowflake by Lang YARNS
€7.66 * / 50g €10.95 (Basic price €153.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €153.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe 111 marine Cashmere Kiss by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 25g (Basic price €318.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €318.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 30 pink Soffio by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 25g (Basic price €238.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €238.00 / 1 kg)
Summer Cashmere by Lana Grossa Summer Cashmere by Lana Grossa
€9.95 * / 50g (Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 9 rosa Fortuna by Lang Yarns
€11.65 * / 50g €12.95 (Basic price €233.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €233.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 6 graugrün New Classic by Lana Grossa
€6.36 * / 50g €7.95 (Basic price €127.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €127.20 / 1 kg)
Februar Angebot
Farbe 36 himbeer Ecopuno by Lana Grossa
€7.60 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €152.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €152.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 5 blau/lila/schwarz/grün/rohweiß Maglia by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 3 orange/creme Bottoni by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Lisboa by Lang YARNS Lisboa by Lang YARNS
€13.95 * / 100g (Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
Summer Softness by Lana Grossa Summer Softness by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Natural Lama Chunky by Lana Grossa Natural Lama Chunky by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 10 blau Venus by Lang Yarns
€8.95 * / 50g €9.95 (Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 59 orange Donegal Tweed+ by Lang YARNS
€8.95 * / 50g (Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 9 mohnrot Setosa by Lana Grossa
€7.96 * / 50g €9.95 (Basic price €159.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe 22 aqua Sottile by Lana Grossa
€8.95 * / 50g (Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7 pink Alpaca Air by Lana Grossa
€8.25 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €165.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €165.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7166 dunkelblau Cool Wool Big Vintage by Lana Grossa
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 (Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe10 gelb Brigitte No 5 by Lana Grossa
€5.56 * / 50g €6.95 (Basic price €111.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €111.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe 4 braun/grün Cloud Tweed by Lang Yarns
€16.99 * / 100g €17.95 (Basic price €169.90 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €169.90 / 1 kg)
Farbe 22 zitrusgrün Puro Vegano by Lana Grossa
€5.90 * / 50g €6.95 (Basic price €118.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €118.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 5 pink Bella by Lana Grossa
€4.76 * / 25g €5.95 (Basic price €190.40 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €190.40 / 1 kg)
Cara by Lana Grossa Cara by Lana Grossa
€5.96 * / 50g €7.95 (Basic price €119.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe 62 wine Honor - Wooladdicts by Lang YARNS
€11.95 * / 50g (Basic price €239.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €239.00 / 1 kg)
February special
Cashmere Dreams by Lang YARNS Cashmere Dreams by Lang YARNS
€18.95 * / 25g €22.95 (Basic price €758.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €758.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 71 türkis Suri Alpaca by Lang YARNS
€6.95 * / 25g (Basic price €278.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €278.00 / 1 kg)
Setasuri by Lana Grossa Setasuri by Lana Grossa
€7.50 * / 25g €7.95 (Basic price €300.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €300.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 53 himbeer Alta Moda Cotolana by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 57 weinrot Cashmere 16 fine by Lana Grossa
€9.95 * / 50g (Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 48 altrosa Cashmere Lace by Lang YARNS
€14.45 * / 25g €17.00 (Basic price €578.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €578.00 / 1 kg)
Merino 200 Bebe superwash by Lang YARNS Merino 200 Bebe superwash by Lang YARNS
€6.25 * / 50g (Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 459 orange neon Merino Plus by Lang YARNS
€6.25 * / 50g (Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1606 schwarzrot meliert Cool Wool Big by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 98 flaschengrün Alta Moda Alpaca by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1428 rot meliert Cool Wool Merino by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 296 rotviolett Cool Wool Baby by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 2 2 hellbraun Baby Cotton Naturally Colored by Lang Yarns
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)