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Gomitolo Gala by Lana Grossa

60% Virgin Wool, 38% Polyacrylic, 2% Polyester, ~700m/200g

€19.95 * / 200g
Item weight:200g
(Basic price €99.75 * / 1 kg)

* Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

  • LG1552
    • 200g
    • 700m
    • 4,50 - 5,00
    • 19 M / 24 R
    • 30°C
    • ~300g
Wählen Sie ihre Variation aus... more
4021 hell-/graublau/silber-/hell-/mittelgrau
4021 hell-/graublau/silbe...
EAN: 4033493368995
Art.-Nr.: 15524021
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€19.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
4022 mint/graublau/helloliv/schlamm
4022 mint/graublau/hellol...
EAN: 4033493369008
Art.-Nr.: 15524022
Ready to ship (2) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€19.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
4023 hell-/mittel-/dunkelgrau
4023 hell-/mittel-/dunkel...
EAN: 4033493369015
Art.-Nr.: 15524023
Ready to ship (1) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€19.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
4024 bordeauxrot/jeans/graubraun/grau/lila/ anthrazit
4024 bordeauxrot/jeans/gr...
EAN: 4033493369022
Art.-Nr.: 15524024
Ready to ship (2) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€19.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
4025 orange/beige/taupe/türkis/braun
4025 orange/beige/taupe/t...
EAN: 4033493369039
Art.-Nr.: 15524025
Ready to ship (4) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€19.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
4026 antikviolett/graubraun/rost/orange/ockergelb
4026 antikviolett/graubra...
EAN: 4033493369060
Art.-Nr.: 15524026
Ready to ship (6) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€19.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
Dochtgarn im Farbverlauf mit dezentem Lurex-Effekt more
Product information "Gomitolo Gala by Lana Grossa"

Dochtgarn im Farbverlauf mit dezentem Lurex-Effekt

coloring: Farbverlauf, Glitzer, Mehrfarbig
Material: Schurwolle, Synthetik
Season: Frühjahr, Herbst, Winter
special feature: Dochtgarn, Waschmaschinenfest
Alphabetical: G
article category: Garne
Related links to "Gomitolo Gala by Lana Grossa"

LANA GROSSA Mode mit Wolle Handels- und Vertriebs GmbH
Ingolstädter Straße 86
85080 Gaimersheim
[email protected]

Gomitolo Versione by Lana Grossa Gomitolo Versione by Lana Grossa
€19.95 * / 200g (Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1021 anthrazit/dunkelgrau/flieder/rosa/altrosa/azur-/graublau/royal/graubeige Gomitolo Arte by Lana Grossa
€19.95 * / 200g (Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
Farbe 2026 schwarzrot/bordeaux/blaulila/graubraun/grau Gomitolo Fusione by Lana Grossa
€19.95 * / 200g (Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
Farbe 3024 petrol/seegrün/grau/graurot/bordeaux/rosa/senfgelb/graubraun Gomitolo Magico by Lana Grossa
€19.95 * / 200g (Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
Farbe 133 jeans mélange Cashmere Premium by Lang YARNS
€15.00 * / 25g €17.00 (Basic price €600.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €600.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 18 opalgrün Diversa by Lana Grossa
€4.95 * / 50g (Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
Meilenweit 6-fach 150g Merino Christmas by Lana Grossa Meilenweit 6-fach 150g Merino Christmas by Lana...
€13.41 * / 150g €14.90 (Basic price €89.40 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €89.40 / 1 kg)
Farbe 186 hummer Elastico by Lana Grossa
€4.45 * / 50g €4.95 (Basic price €89.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €89.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 3024 petrol/seegrün/grau/graurot/bordeaux/rosa/senfgelb/graubraun Gomitolo Magico by Lana Grossa
€19.95 * / 200g (Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
Farbe 2026 schwarzrot/bordeaux/blaulila/graubraun/grau Gomitolo Fusione by Lana Grossa
€19.95 * / 200g (Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
Farbe 915 beere/grüngrau/fuchsia/hellgrün/flieder/rohweiß gestreift Landlust die Sockenwolle 6-ply 150g by Lana...
€13.50 * / 150g (Basic price €90.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €90.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7 petrolblau Natural Alpaca Lungo by Lana Grossa
€8.95 * / 50g (Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 8 multicolour Mystery - Wooladdicts by Lang YARNS
€14.95 * / 50g (Basic price €299.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €299.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 66 rosa Solo Lino Linea Pura by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 201 blau/violett/braun Mille Colori Socks & Lace Luxe by Lang YARNS
€12.95 * / 100g (Basic price €129.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €129.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 2026 schwarzrot/bordeaux/blaulila/graubraun/grau Gomitolo Fusione by Lana Grossa
€19.95 * / 200g (Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
Farbe 3024 petrol/seegrün/grau/graurot/bordeaux/rosa/senfgelb/graubraun Gomitolo Magico by Lana Grossa
€19.95 * / 200g (Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
Gomitolo Versione by Lana Grossa Gomitolo Versione by Lana Grossa
€19.95 * / 200g (Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
Farbe 4032 terrakotta/braun/violett/blau/türkis/grün/limette/pastellgrün Cool Wool Big Color by Lana Grossa
€13.95 * / 100g (Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1021 anthrazit/dunkelgrau/flieder/rosa/altrosa/azur-/graublau/royal/graubeige Gomitolo Arte by Lana Grossa
€19.95 * / 200g (Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.75 / 1 kg)
Garn des Monats
Farbe 7 pink Alpaca Air by Lana Grossa
€7.50 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €150.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €150.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 369 zartlila/-rosa/pfirsich/graublau/fliederrosa Gomitolo Alpaca by Lana Grossa
€11.95 * / 100g €14.95 (Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 4007 grauviolett/hell-/dunkelpetrol/grau/hell-/dunkelgrün/beere/flieder Meilenweit Cashmere Hawaii by Lana Grossa
€12.95 * / 100g (Basic price €129.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €129.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 2 beere/helloliv/himbeer/bordeaux/waldgrün/brombeer Colorato Aktion by Lana Grossa
€7.99 * / 100g €8.95 (Basic price €79.90 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.90 / 1 kg)
Gomitolo Baleno by Lana Grossa Gomitolo Baleno by Lana Grossa
€9.56 * / 100g €11.95 (Basic price €95.60 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €95.60 / 1 kg)
Farbe 2018 altrosa/brombeer/graubeige/natur/helles brombeer Gomitolo Dipinto by Lana Grossa
€15.96 * / 200g €19.95 (Basic price €79.80 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.80 / 1 kg)
Farbe 8009 graulila/khaki/gelb/orange/pink/fuchsia Meilenweit Merino 4-ply 100g Color Mix by Lana...
€9.95 * / 100g (Basic price €99.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.50 / 1 kg)
Gomitolo Collina by Lana Grossa Gomitolo Collina by Lana Grossa
€7.96 * / 100g €9.95 (Basic price €79.60 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.60 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1 multicolor Cashmere Light Color by Lang YARNS
€24.95 * / 25g (Basic price €998.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €998.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7044 pistazie/creme/rosa/türkis/pink/rost/anthrazit Meilenweit 4-ply 100g Spots by Lana Grossa
€11.95 * / 100g (Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 3 turquoise/pink/yellow Move 8-ply - Wooladdicts by Lang YARNS
€23.95 * / 150g (Basic price €159.67 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.67 / 1 kg)
Farbe 3 lilac/petrol/olive Move 6-ply - Wooladdicts by Lang YARNS
€15.95 * / 100g (Basic price €159.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.50 / 1 kg)
Garn des Monats
Farbe 59 orange Donegal Tweed+ by Lang YARNS
€7.50 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €150.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €150.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 8 flieder/veilchenblau/erika/fuchsia/pink/erdbeer/rosa Picasso by Lana Grossa
€8.95 * / 50g (Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7 orange/nelkenrosa/dunkelblau Merino Lace Aquarell by Lana Grossa
€17.95 * / 100g (Basic price €179.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 205 taupe/mint/tomatenrot/gelbgrün/gelb/orange/ lila/dunkelgrau/beere/schwarzgrün Colorissimo by Lana Grossa
€13.45 * / 100g €14.95 (Basic price €134.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €134.50 / 1 kg)
Smoothy lala Berlin by Lana Grossa Smoothy lala Berlin by Lana Grossa
€6.26 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €125.20 / 1 kg)
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Lovis by Lang Yarns Lovis by Lang Yarns
€8.95 * / 50g €9.95 (Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 4015 graugrün/dunkel-/hellgrau/hellgrün/orange/ violett Gomitolo Meilenweit by Lana Grossa
€9.95 * / 100g (Basic price €99.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 9 rosa/lila/orange Paradise by Lang Yarns
€11.65 * / 100g €12.95 (Basic price €116.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €116.50 / 1 kg)
Kid Color by Lang YARNS Kid Color by Lang YARNS
€5.95 * / 25g €10.95 (Basic price €238.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €238.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 11 virat Meilenweit 4-ply 100g Merino Hand-Dyed by Lana...
€12.95 * / 100g (Basic price €129.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €129.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 482 Yellowstone bunt Super Soxx 8-ply Color by Lang YARNS
€12.95 * / 150g (Basic price €86.33 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €86.33 / 1 kg)
Farbe 385 pink Merino 200 Bébé Color by Lang YARNS
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Silkhair Farbe 176 Silkhair by Lana Grossa
€9.45 * / 25g €9.95 (Basic price €378.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €378.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 38 ochre Glamour - Wooladdicts by Lang YARNS
€11.95 * / 50g (Basic price €239.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €239.00 / 1 kg)
Christmas Edition by Lana Grossa Christmas Edition by Lana Grossa
€8.95 * / 100g €9.95 (Basic price €89.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €89.50 / 1 kg)
Christmas Edition by Lana Grossa Christmas Edition by Lana Grossa
€8.95 * / 100g €9.95 (Basic price €89.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €89.50 / 1 kg)
Meilenweit 100 Seta Asia by Lana Grossa Meilenweit 100 Seta Asia by Lana Grossa
€10.95 * / 100g (Basic price €109.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €109.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 111 marine Cashmere Kiss by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 25g (Basic price €318.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €318.00 / 1 kg)