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The Tube by Lana Grossa

60% Cotton, 40% Polyamide, ~114m/200g

€13.95 * / 200g
Item weight:200g
(Basic price €69.75 * / 1 kg)

* Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

  • LG1557
    • 114m
    • 200g
    • 10,00 - 12,00
    • 10 M / 12 R
    • 30°C
Wählen Sie ihre Variation aus... more
1 weiß
1 weiß
EAN: 4033493334556
Art.-Nr.: 15570001
Ready to ship (2) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
2 creme
2 creme
EAN: 4033493334563
Art.-Nr.: 15570002
Ready to ship (7) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
4 gelb
4 gelb
EAN: 4033493334587
Art.-Nr.: 15570004
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
6 rost
6 rost
EAN: 4033493334600
Art.-Nr.: 15570006
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
7 rot
7 rot
EAN: 4033493334617
Art.-Nr.: 15570007
Ready to ship (3) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
8 fuchsia
8 fuchsia
EAN: 4033493334624
Art.-Nr.: 15570008
Ready to ship (2) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
9 lila
9 lila
EAN: 4033493334631
Art.-Nr.: 15570009
Ready to ship (1) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
10 mint
10 mint
EAN: 4033493334648
Art.-Nr.: 15570010
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
11 resedagrün
11 resedagrün
EAN: 4033493334655
Art.-Nr.: 15570011
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
12 petrol
12 petrol
EAN: 4033493334662
Art.-Nr.: 15570012
Ready to ship (1) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
13 khaki
13 khaki
EAN: 4033493334679
Art.-Nr.: 15570013
Ready to ship (5) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
15 graubeige
15 graubeige
EAN: 4033493334693
Art.-Nr.: 15570015
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
16 schwarz
16 schwarz
EAN: 4033493334709
Art.-Nr.: 15570016
Ready to ship (1) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
17 beige
17 beige
EAN: 4033493354134
Art.-Nr.: 15570017
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
18 orange
18 orange
EAN: 4033493354141
Art.-Nr.: 15570018
Ready to ship (3) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
19 rosa
19 rosa
EAN: 4033493354158
Art.-Nr.: 15570019
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
20 viola
20 viola
EAN: 4033493354165
Art.-Nr.: 15570020
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
21 tiefseegrün
21 tiefseegrün
EAN: 4033493354172
Art.-Nr.: 15570021
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
22 maigrün
22 maigrün
EAN: 4033493354189
Art.-Nr.: 15570022
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
23 taupe
23 taupe
EAN: 4033493354196
Art.-Nr.: 15570023
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
24 gelb
24 gelb
EAN: 4033493360746
Art.-Nr.: 15570024
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
25 hellgrün
25 hellgrün
EAN: 4033493360753
Art.-Nr.: 15570025
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
26 blau
26 blau
EAN: 4033493360760
Art.-Nr.: 15570026
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€13.95 * / 200g
(Basic price €69.75 / 1 kg)
NEUES GARN, NEUES GLÜCK: THE TUBE Mal eben ein tolles Teilchen stricken oder häkeln? Dafür... more
Product information "The Tube by Lana Grossa"


Mal eben ein tolles Teilchen stricken oder häkeln? Dafür gibt es jetzt THE TUBE.
Dieses Garn ist in 16 Farben zu haben und besteht aus einem Baumwollschlauch, der mit weicher, voluminöser Watte gefüllt ist. Die glatte Super-Qualität ist für dicke Nadeln gemacht und verpasst Strukturmustern einen spektakulären 3D-Effekt. Wie das aussehen kann, zeigt der Flyer zum Garn The Tube: Drei Taschen von entspannt bis chic und dazu ein Paar Hotel-Schläppchen für Ihren nächsten Wochenendtrip. Zudem in diesem Flyer: Individuelle Deko, die Ihr Zuhause in eine heimelige Komfortzone verwandelt. Sie spiegelt Ihre Persönlichkeit wider und schafft so eine Wohlfühlatmosphäre. Allesamt sind die Modelle handverlesen und sehr verschieden. Von einer Aufbewahrungstasche über einen Lampenschirm, einen Teppich, einen Pouf und und und … da bleibt schon beim Aufzählen die Luft weg. Hier ist definitiv auch das Passende für Sie dabei!

Schauen Sie doch gleich in den neuen Flyer und Bestimmen Sie Ihr erstes Kreativprojekt. Glauben Sie uns: Bei nur einem wird es nicht bleiben. Es herrscht Suchtgefahr!


Finden Sie hier alle Anleitungen zu den im Flyer abgedruckten Modellen: Taschen von entspannt bis chic und dazu ein Paar Hotel-Schläppchen für Ihren nächsten Wochenendtrip. Individuelle Deko, die Ihr Zuhause in eine heimelige Komfortzone verwandelt. Allesamt sind die Modelle handverlesen und sehr verschieden. Hier ist definitiv auch das Passende für Sie dabei!

coloring: Einfarbig
Material: Baumwolle, Synthetik
Season: Frühjahr, Herbst, Winter
special feature: Schlauchgarn, Waschmaschinenfest
Alphabetical: T
article category: Garne
Related links to "The Tube by Lana Grossa"
Available downloads:

LANA GROSSA Mode mit Wolle Handels- und Vertriebs GmbH
Ingolstädter Straße 86
85080 Gaimersheim
[email protected]

Farbe 110 mint The Tube fine by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 100g (Basic price €79.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.50 / 1 kg)
The Paper by Lana Grossa The Paper by Lana Grossa
€6.75 * / 100g €7.95 (Basic price €67.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €67.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 10 dunkelrot The Core by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 100g (Basic price €59.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €59.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 14 orange/beere/weiß/pink/rosa/graugrün Gelato by Lana Grossa
€11.95 * / 100g (Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 110 mint The Tube fine by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 100g (Basic price €79.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 53 hellrosa Per Fortuna (GOTS) by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Star Uni von Lana Grossa (113) azurblau Star by Lana Grossa
€2.50 * / 50g (Basic price €50.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €50.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7 orange/grau/graubeige/brombeer/antikrosa/türkis/petrol/ocker Mosaico Linea Pura by Lana Grossa
€11.95 * / 100g (Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
Setasuri by Lana Grossa Setasuri by Lana Grossa
€7.50 * / 25g €7.95 (Basic price €300.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €300.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 14 orange/beere/weiß/pink/rosa/graugrün Gelato by Lana Grossa
€11.95 * / 100g (Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 75 türkisblau Solo Lino Linea Pura by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Quattro by Lang Yarns Quattro by Lang Yarns
€2.95 * / 50g (Basic price €59.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €59.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 11 flieder/hellblau/türkisgrün/senf/tomate/himbeer/orange/lachs Cotonella by Lana Grossa
€11.95 * / 100g (Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 11 rot meliert Landlust Soft Tweed 90 by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7 petrolblau Natural Alpaca Lungo by Lana Grossa
€6.71 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €134.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €134.20 / 1 kg)
Gomitolo Collina by Lana Grossa Gomitolo Collina by Lana Grossa
€7.96 * / 100g €9.95 (Basic price €79.60 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.60 / 1 kg)
The Paper by Lana Grossa The Paper by Lana Grossa
€6.75 * / 100g €7.95 (Basic price €67.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €67.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 354 paradise Sunshine Color - Wooladdicts by Lang Yarns
€6.57 * / 50g €10.95 (Basic price €131.40 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €131.40 / 1 kg)
Farbe 19 candyfloss Glow - Wooladdicts by Lang Yarns
€9.95 * / 50g (Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
The Look Fine by Lana Grossa The Look Fine by Lana Grossa
€3.50 * / 50g (Basic price €70.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €70.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1009 altrosa/geranienrot/bordeaux meliert Vintage Socks by Lana Grossa
€13.95 * / 100g (Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
Desire - Wooladdicts by Lang Yarns Desire - Wooladdicts by Lang Yarns
€15.25 * / 50g €16.95 (Basic price €305.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €305.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 21 blau Basta by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 313 streifen/jacquard Landlust die Sockenwolle by Lana Grossa
€8.95 * / 100g (Basic price €89.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €89.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1 aubergine The Look by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 100g (Basic price €69.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €69.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1604 jeansblau meliert Landlust die Sockenwolle 4-ply mélange 50g by...
€4.50 * / 50g (Basic price €90.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €90.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 8 pink Mohair Moda by Lana Grossa
€8.95 * / 50g (Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7 pink Alpaca Air by Lana Grossa
€8.25 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €165.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €165.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 110 mint The Tube fine by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 100g (Basic price €79.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 229 pink Cool Merino Big by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 3495 graurot/brombeer/rot/rosa/grau-/olivgrün/vanile/gelb/rotbraun Meilenweit 4-fach 100g Merino Cosima by Lana...
€10.95 * / 100g (Basic price €109.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €109.50 / 1 kg)
Meilenweit 50 Merino Hand-Dyed (2x50g) by Lana Grossa Meilenweit 50 Merino Hand-Dyed (2x50g) by Lana...
€13.90 * / 100g €17.00 (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Meilenweit 4-ply 100g Merino extrafine Uni by Lana Grossa Meilenweit 4-ply 100g Merino extrafine Uni by...
€9.95 * / 100g (Basic price €99.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 34 rot Cool Merino by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Februar Angebot
Farbe 36 himbeer Ecopuno by Lana Grossa
€7.60 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €152.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €152.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 65 fuchsia Cashmere Light by Lang YARNS
€21.50 * / 25g €22.95 (Basic price €860.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €860.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 64 dunkelrot Cashmere Big by Lang YARNS
€29.90 * / 50g €34.00 (Basic price €598.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €598.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 44 limone Merino 50 by Lang YARNS
€12.50 * / 100g (Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 25 navy Cashmere Classic by Lang YARNS
€14.45 * / 25g €17.00 (Basic price €578.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €578.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 98 flaschengrün Alta Moda Alpaca by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 2 2 hellbraun Baby Cotton Naturally Colored by Lang Yarns
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 5 blau/lila/schwarz/grün/rohweiß Maglia by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Summer Cashmere by Lana Grossa Summer Cashmere by Lana Grossa
€9.95 * / 50g (Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 3 grün/rosa/blau/grau Merino 120 Color by Lang YARNS
€15.95 * / 100g (Basic price €159.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.50 / 1 kg)