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Cool Wool Big Vintage by Lana Grossa

100% Virgin Wool (Merino extrafine), ~120m/50g

€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 * (10.07% discount)
Item weight:50g
(Basic price €125.00 * / 1 kg)

* Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

  • LG1046
    • 50g
    • 120m
    • 3,50 - 4,00
    • 19 M / 26 R
    • 30°C
    • ~550g
Wählen Sie ihre Variation aus... more
7161 oliv
7161 oliv
EAN: 4033493343930
Art.-Nr.: 10467161
Ready to ship (19) !
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7162 senf
7162 senf
EAN: 4033493343947
Art.-Nr.: 10467162
Ready to ship (21) !
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7164 burgund
7164 burgund
EAN: 4033493343961
Art.-Nr.: 10467164
Ready to ship (14) !
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7165 pflaume
7165 pflaume
EAN: 4033493343978
Art.-Nr.: 10467165
Ready to ship (0)
We expect a new delivery on 7 March 2025
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7166 dunkelblau
7166 dunkelblau
EAN: 4033493343985
Art.-Nr.: 10467166
Ready to ship (30) !
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7168 grüngrau
7168 grüngrau
EAN: 4033493344005
Art.-Nr.: 10467168
Ready to ship (9) !
We expect a new delivery on 21 March 2025
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7169 hellgrau
7169 hellgrau
EAN: 4033493344012
Art.-Nr.: 10467169
Ready to ship (11) !
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7170 anthrazit
7170 anthrazit
EAN: 4033493344029
Art.-Nr.: 10467170
Ready to ship (18) !
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7177 indischrot
7177 indischrot
EAN: 4033493363921
Art.-Nr.: 10467177
Ready to ship (7) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7178 hellblau
7178 hellblau
EAN: 4033493363938
Art.-Nr.: 10467178
Ready to ship (13) !
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7179 petrol
7179 petrol
EAN: 4033493365765
Art.-Nr.: 10467179
Ready to ship (19) !
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7180 patinagrün
7180 patinagrün
EAN: 4033493365772
Art.-Nr.: 10467180
Ready to ship (12) !
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7181 dunkeloliv
7181 dunkeloliv
EAN: 4033493365789
Art.-Nr.: 10467181
Ready to ship (18) !
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7182 sandbeige
7182 sandbeige
EAN: 4033493365796
Art.-Nr.: 10467182
Ready to ship (21) !
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7183 rehbraun
7183 rehbraun
EAN: 4033493365802
Art.-Nr.: 10467183
Ready to ship (20) !
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
7184 dunkelbraun
7184 dunkelbraun
EAN: 4033493365819
Art.-Nr.: 10467184
Ready to ship (4) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 *
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
Cool Wool Big Vintage von Lana Grossa - Kuschelige Eleganz für Groß und Klein Entdecken Sie... more
Product information "Cool Wool Big Vintage by Lana Grossa"

Cool Wool Big Vintage von Lana Grossa - Kuschelige Eleganz für Groß und Klein

Entdecken Sie die wundervolle Welt von Cool Wool Big Vintage von Lana Grossa, einem hochwertigen Garn aus 100% Schurwolle (Merino extrafine), das mit seinem einzigartigen Charme und seiner Vielseitigkeit beeindruckt. Mit einer Lauflänge von ~120m/50g ist es ideal für Ihre Strickprojekte geeignet.

Dank der mulesing freien Herstellung können Sie dieses Garn mit gutem Gewissen verwenden und sich an seinen fabelhaften Eigenschaften erfreuen. Es ist waschmaschinenfest, was Ihre Pflegezeit minimiert und Ihnen mehr Zeit zum Kreativsein gibt.

Cool Wool Big Vintage ist die perfekte Wahl für die ganze Familie. Ob für Babys, Kinder oder Erwachsene - dieses Garn zaubert auf den Nadeln ein gleichmäßiges und ausdrucksstarkes Strickbild, das Ihre Strickprojekte zu wahren Meisterwerken macht.

Ein Highlight dieser Saison sind diese dezent bedruckten Versionen in zehn faszinierenden Farben. Von klassischem Anthrazit und Hellgrau bis hin zu edlen, juwelenähnlichen Tönen - hier finden Sie garantiert Ihre Lieblingsfarbe.

Mit Cool Wool Big Vintage erhalten Sie nicht nur ein Garn, sondern auch Inspiration für Ihre Strickprojekte. Egal, ob Sie einfache oder aufwendige Muster wählen - dieses Garn verwandelt Ihre Ideen in außergewöhnliche Strickbilder.

Verleihen Sie Ihren Strickwerken eine zeitlose Eleganz und einen Hauch von Luxus mit Cool Wool Big Vintage von Lana Grossa. Lassen Sie Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf und tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der hochwertigen Schurwolle, die sowohl in der Handarbeitsszene als auch in der Modewelt unverzichtbar ist.

Überraschen Sie Ihre Familie und Freunde mit einzigartigen handgestrickten Geschenken oder gönnen Sie sich selbst das Vergnügen, mit Cool Wool Big Vintage traumhafte Strickprojekte zu verwirklichen. Bestellen Sie jetzt und tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der wunderbaren Wolle!

coloring: Melange / Meliert
Material: 100%, Merino, Schurwolle
Season: Frühjahr, Herbst, Winter
special feature: Babywolle, klassisch verzwirnt, Mulesing Free, Sale, Waschmaschinenfest
Alphabetical: C
article category: Garne
Related links to "Cool Wool Big Vintage by Lana Grossa"

LANA GROSSA Mode mit Wolle Handels- und Vertriebs GmbH
Ingolstädter Straße 86
85080 Gaimersheim
[email protected]

Farbe 7364 burgund Cool Wool Merino Vintage by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1009 altrosa/geranienrot/bordeaux meliert Vintage Socks by Lana Grossa
€13.95 * / 100g (Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
Vintage Chunky by Lana Grossa Vintage Chunky by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 4032 terrakotta/braun/violett/blau/türkis/grün/limette/pastellgrün Cool Wool Big Color by Lana Grossa
€13.95 * / 100g (Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1606 schwarzrot meliert Cool Wool Big by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1606 schwarzrot meliert Cool Wool Big by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Vintage Chunky by Lana Grossa Vintage Chunky by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Merino 120 by Lang YARNS Merino 120 by Lang YARNS
€6.25 * / 50g (Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7364 burgund Cool Wool Merino Vintage by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Setasuri by Lana Grossa Setasuri by Lana Grossa
€7.50 * / 25g €7.95 (Basic price €300.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €300.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1428 rot meliert Cool Wool Merino by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1604 jeansblau meliert Landlust die Sockenwolle 4-ply mélange 50g by...
€4.50 * / 50g (Basic price €90.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €90.00 / 1 kg)
Landlust Baumwolle GOTS by Lana Grossa Landlust Baumwolle GOTS by Lana Grossa
€4.50 * / 50g (Basic price €90.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €90.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 8 aubergine/graubraun/antikviolett/oliv/rost/mint/hell-/nacht- /veilchenblau/rosenholz Pappagallo by Lana Grossa
€11.95 * / 100g €14.95 (Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
Februar Angebot
Farbe 36 himbeer Ecopuno by Lana Grossa
€7.60 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €152.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €152.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 66 gelb Alta Moda Cashmere 16 by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 133 leuchtendblau Cotone by Lana Grossa
€2.95 * / 50g (Basic price €59.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €59.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 6526 neonorange/zartorange Cool Wool Merino Print by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 9 mohnrot Setosa by Lana Grossa
€7.96 * / 50g €9.95 (Basic price €159.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.20 / 1 kg)
Diversa by Lana Grossa Diversa by Lana Grossa
€4.95 * / 50g (Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 10 dunkelrot The Core by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 100g (Basic price €59.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €59.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 29 lachsrot Brillino by Lana Grossa
€3.95 * / 25g (Basic price €158.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €158.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 4032 terrakotta/braun/violett/blau/türkis/grün/limette/pastellgrün Cool Wool Big Color by Lana Grossa
€13.95 * / 100g (Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 313 streifen/jacquard Landlust die Sockenwolle by Lana Grossa
€8.95 * / 100g (Basic price €89.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €89.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 13 apricot Riccio by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 10 yellow/rose Footprints - Wooladdicts by Lang Yarns
€10.95 * / 100g (Basic price €109.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €109.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 9665 lachsrot Meilenweit 8-ply 150g Uni by Lana Grossa
€9.95 * / 150g (Basic price €66.33 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €66.33 / 1 kg)
Soft Cotton by Lana Grossa Soft Cotton by Lana Grossa
€3.95 * / 50g (Basic price €79.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.00 / 1 kg)
Brigitte No 2 von Lana Grossa (61 zartblau) Brigitte No 2 by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g €8.50 (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Februar Angebot
Farbe 36 himbeer Ecopuno by Lana Grossa
€7.60 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €152.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €152.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7364 burgund Cool Wool Merino Vintage by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 3 jeans Cool Wool Seta by Lana Grossa
€5.96 * / 50g €7.95 (Basic price €119.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.20 / 1 kg)
February special
Cashmere Dreams by Lang YARNS Cashmere Dreams by Lang YARNS
€18.95 * / 25g €22.95 (Basic price €758.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €758.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1606 schwarzrot meliert Cool Wool Big by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1428 rot meliert Cool Wool Merino by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 107 oliv/grün/gelb-/wald-/graugrün Diversa Print by Lana Grossa
€2.97 * / 50g €4.95 (Basic price €59.40 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €59.40 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7 pink Alpaca Air by Lana Grossa
€8.25 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €165.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €165.00 / 1 kg)
Summer Cashmere by Lana Grossa Summer Cashmere by Lana Grossa
€9.95 * / 50g (Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 509 goldbraun Vintage Superchunky by Lana Grossa
€11.99 * / 100g €13.95 (Basic price €119.90 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.90 / 1 kg)
Farbe 59 orange Donegal Tweed+ by Lang YARNS
€8.05 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €161.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €161.00 / 1 kg)
Cara by Lana Grossa Cara by Lana Grossa
€5.96 * / 50g €7.95 (Basic price €119.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe 296 rotviolett Cool Wool Baby by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Cool Wool Spot by Lana Grossa Cool Wool Spot by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 9 rosa Fortuna by Lang Yarns
€11.65 * / 50g €12.95 (Basic price €233.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €233.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 9 mohnrot Setosa by Lana Grossa
€7.96 * / 50g €9.95 (Basic price €159.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.20 / 1 kg)
Cotone Vintage by Lana Grossa Cotone Vintage by Lana Grossa
€2.97 * / 50g €3.50 (Basic price €59.40 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €59.40 / 1 kg)
Gomitolo Collina by Lana Grossa Gomitolo Collina by Lana Grossa
€7.96 * / 100g €9.95 (Basic price €79.60 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.60 / 1 kg)
Farbe 229 pink Cool Merino Big by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
ECOPUNO Dégradé von Lana Grossa (403 gelb/orange) Ecopuno Dégradé by Lana Grossa
€11.37 * / 100g €18.95 (Basic price €113.70 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €113.70 / 1 kg)
Setasuri by Lana Grossa Setasuri by Lana Grossa
€7.50 * / 25g €7.95 (Basic price €300.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €300.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 6 blau Touring by Lang YARNS
€2.94 * / 50g €4.20 (Basic price €58.80 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €58.80 / 1 kg)
Farbe 459 orange neon Merino Plus by Lang YARNS
€6.25 * / 50g (Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
Silkhair Farbe 176 Silkhair by Lana Grossa
€9.95 * / 25g (Basic price €398.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €398.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 3 orange/creme Bottoni by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Summer Softness by Lana Grossa Summer Softness by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 4032 terrakotta/braun/violett/blau/türkis/grün/limette/pastellgrün Cool Wool Big Color by Lana Grossa
€13.95 * / 100g (Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
Lucida by Lana Grossa Lucida by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 10 rosa/hummer Twinny by Lana Grossa
€7.60 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €152.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €152.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 2026 schwarzrot/bordeaux/blaulila/graubraun/grau Gomitolo Fusione by Lana Grossa
€15.96 * / 200g €19.95 (Basic price €79.80 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.80 / 1 kg)
Farbe 10 blau Venus by Lang Yarns
€8.95 * / 50g €9.95 (Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 30 pink Soffio by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 25g (Basic price €238.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €238.00 / 1 kg)
Gomitolo Baleno by Lana Grossa Gomitolo Baleno by Lana Grossa
€9.56 * / 100g €11.95 (Basic price €95.60 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €95.60 / 1 kg)
Per Tutti by Lana Grossa Per Tutti by Lana Grossa
€4.76 * / 50g €5.95 (Basic price €95.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €95.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7 petrolblau Natural Alpaca Lungo by Lana Grossa
€6.71 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €134.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €134.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe10 gelb Brigitte No 5 by Lana Grossa
€5.56 * / 50g €6.95 (Basic price €111.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €111.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe 6 graugrün New Classic by Lana Grossa
€6.36 * / 50g €7.95 (Basic price €127.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €127.20 / 1 kg)