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Riccio by Lana Grossa

84% Cotton, 16% Polyamide,  ~110m/50g

€6.95 * / 50g
Item weight:50g
(Basic price €139.00 * / 1 kg)

* Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

  • LG1104
    • 110m
    • 50g
    • 4,50 - 5,00
    • 18 M / 26 R
    • 30°C
    • ~400-450g
Wählen Sie ihre Variation aus... more
1 weiß
1 weiß
EAN: 4033493357883
Art.-Nr.: 11040001
Ready to ship (3) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
2 lichtgrau
2 lichtgrau
EAN: 4033493357890
Art.-Nr.: 11040002
Ready to ship (2) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
3 beige
* 3 beige
EAN: 4033493357906
Art.-Nr.: 11040003
Ready to ship (6) !
More? Please ask -> contact form
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
4 resedagrün
4 resedagrün
EAN: 4033493357913
Art.-Nr.: 11040004
Ready to ship (6) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
5 graublau
5 graublau
EAN: 4033493357920
Art.-Nr.: 11040005
Ready to ship (10) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
6 blau
6 blau
EAN: 4033493357937
Art.-Nr.: 11040006
Ready to ship (7) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
7 nachtblau
* 7 nachtblau
EAN: 4033493357944
Art.-Nr.: 11040007
Ready to ship (13) !
More? Please ask -> contact form
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
8 schwarz
8 schwarz
EAN: 4033493357951
Art.-Nr.: 11040008
Ready to ship (18) !
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
9 pink
9 pink
EAN: 4033493357968
Art.-Nr.: 11040009
Ready to ship (18) !
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
10 puderrosa
10 puderrosa
EAN: 4033493357975
Art.-Nr.: 11040010
Ready to ship (5) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
11 rot
11 rot
EAN: 4033493357982
Art.-Nr.: 11040011
Ready to ship (10) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
12 koralle
12 koralle
EAN: 4033493357999
Art.-Nr.: 11040012
Ready to ship (10) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
13 apricot
* 13 apricot
EAN: 4033493358002
Art.-Nr.: 11040013
Ready to ship (9) !
More? Please ask -> contact form
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
14 gelb
14 gelb
EAN: 4033493358019
Art.-Nr.: 11040014
Ready to ship (10) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
15 limette
15 limette
EAN: 4033493358026
Art.-Nr.: 11040015
Ready to ship (7) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
16 maigrün
16 maigrün
EAN: 4033493358033
Art.-Nr.: 11040016
Ready to ship (4) !
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
17 avocadogrün
17 avocadogrün
EAN: 4033493375825
Art.-Nr.: 11040017
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
18 maisgelb
18 maisgelb
EAN: 4033493375832
Art.-Nr.: 11040018
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
19 orange
19 orange
EAN: 4033493375849
Art.-Nr.: 11040019
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
20 aqua
20 aqua
EAN: 4033493375856
Art.-Nr.: 11040020
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
21 türkisblau
21 türkisblau
EAN: 4033493375863
Art.-Nr.: 11040021
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
22 mauve
22 mauve
EAN: 4033493375870
Art.-Nr.: 11040022
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
23 kieselgrau
23 kieselgrau
EAN: 4033493375887
Art.-Nr.: 11040023
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
24 anthrazit
24 anthrazit
EAN: 4033493375894
Art.-Nr.: 11040024
Ready to ship (0)
More, ready to ship 4-7 Workdays
€6.95 * / 50g
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Erleben Sie die Luxus-Textur von Riccio von Lana Grossa Willkommen in der Welt des absoluten... more
Product information "Riccio by Lana Grossa"

Erleben Sie die Luxus-Textur von Riccio von Lana Grossa

Willkommen in der Welt des absoluten Strickvergnügens! Riccio von Lana Grossa ist das Bouclegarn, das Sie sich immer gewünscht haben. Erleben Sie eine Vielfalt kreativer Möglichkeiten mit diesem hochwertigen Gemisch aus 84% Baumwolle und 16% Polyamid.

Riccio besticht nicht nur durch seine unvergleichliche Qualität, sondern auch durch unschlagbare Weichheit. Mit einer Länge von ~110 Metern auf 50 Gramm bietet es Ihnen genügend Material, um Ihre Visionen Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. Nutzen Sie Nadelstärken von 4,5 bis 5, um Ihre Projekte zum Leben zu erwecken.

Was dieses Garn besonders auszeichnet? Seine frotteeartige Struktur verleiht jedem Ihrer Projekte eine unvergleichliche, lässige Eleganz. Spüren Sie, wie dieses herrlich weiche Material Ihre Finger umschmeichelt und erleben Sie, wie es unter Ihren Händen zu einem Meisterwerk wird.

Das Beste daran? Riccio von Lana Grossa ist nicht nur luxuriös, sondern auch äußerst praktisch. Es ist waschmaschinenfest, sodass Sie sich keine Gedanken über aufwendige Pflege machen müssen. Entdecken Sie die Freiheit, Ihre Kreationen bedenkenlos zu genießen, ohne sich um komplizierte Reinigungsvorgänge kümmern zu müssen.

Heben Sie Ihre Strickprojekte auf eine neue Ebene. Riccio von Lana Grossa ist nicht einfach nur Garn, sondern ein Erlebnis, das Ihre Sinne begeistern wird. Genießen Sie das Vergnügen, mit diesem einzigartigen Bouclegarn zu arbeiten, und erschaffen Sie Meisterwerke, die Ihre Persönlichkeit widerspiegeln.

Greifen Sie zu Riccio von Lana Grossa - der Inbegriff von Luxus, Stil und grenzenloser Kreativität!

Material: Baumwolle, Synthetik
coloring: Einfarbig
Season: Frühjahr, Herbst, Sommer
special feature: Boucle, Waschmaschinenfest
Alphabetical: R
article category: Garne
Related links to "Riccio by Lana Grossa"

LANA GROSSA Mode mit Wolle Handels- und Vertriebs GmbH
Ingolstädter Straße 86
85080 Gaimersheim
[email protected]

Wooladdicts HAPPINESS von LANG YARNS (Farbe 6 cobalt) Wooladdicts HAPPINESS by Lang Yarns
€3.99 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €79.80 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.80 / 1 kg)
Farbe 60 pomegranate Wooladdicts SUNSHINE by Lang Yarns
€5.56 * / 50g €7.95 (Basic price €111.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €111.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe 164 gelbgrün Organico Linea Pura (GOTS) by Lana Grossa
€3.96 * / 50g €4.95 (Basic price €79.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe 14 blaugrün Dodici by Lana Grossa
€3.96 * / 50g €4.95 (Basic price €79.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe 22 zitrusgrün Puro Vegano by Lana Grossa
€5.90 * / 50g €6.95 (Basic price €118.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €118.00 / 1 kg)
Diversa by Lana Grossa Diversa by Lana Grossa
€4.95 * / 50g (Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 5 pink Bella by Lana Grossa
€4.76 * / 25g €5.95 (Basic price €190.40 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €190.40 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7 orange/grau/graubeige/brombeer/antikrosa/türkis/petrol/ocker Mosaico Linea Pura by Lana Grossa
€11.95 * / 100g (Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 107 oliv/grün/gelb-/wald-/graugrün Diversa Print by Lana Grossa
€2.97 * / 50g €4.95 (Basic price €59.40 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €59.40 / 1 kg)
Farbe 2 green/rose Artsy - Wooladdicts by Lang Yarns
€13.95 * / 100g (Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 19 violett Campo by Lana Grossa
€4.95 * / 50g (Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7166 dunkelblau Cool Wool Big Vintage by Lana Grossa
€6.25 * / 50g €6.95 (Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 15 mintgrün Nastrino Linea Pura by Lana Grossa
€5.56 * / 50g €6.95 (Basic price €111.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €111.20 / 1 kg)
Farbe 9 rosa/lila/orange Paradise by Lang Yarns
€12.95 * / 100g (Basic price €129.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €129.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 148 gelb/dottergelb/rohweiß/hell-/dunkelgrau/zartgrün/fuchsia/hellblau/pfirsich COLORS FOR YOU by Lana Grossa
€3.95 * / 50g (Basic price €79.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1009 altrosa/geranienrot/bordeaux meliert Vintage Socks by Lana Grossa
€13.95 * / 100g (Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.50 / 1 kg)
Silk Color by Lang Yarns Silk Color by Lang Yarns
€32.99 * / 100g €34.95 (Basic price €329.90 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €329.90 / 1 kg)
Secret Garden by Lang Yarns Secret Garden by Lang Yarns
€9.95 * / 50g (Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 11 flieder/hellblau/türkisgrün/senf/tomate/himbeer/orange/lachs Cotonella by Lana Grossa
€11.95 * / 100g (Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7364 burgund Cool Wool Merino Vintage by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 128 satin Memory - Wooladdicts by Lang YARNS
€7.15 * / 50g €7.95 (Basic price €143.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €143.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 9 rosenquarz Crealino by Lang YARNS
€7.22 * / 50g €8.50 (Basic price €144.40 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €144.40 / 1 kg)
Lotus by Lang YARNS Lotus by Lang YARNS
€4.76 * / 25g €9.95 (Basic price €190.40 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €190.40 / 1 kg)
Farbe 133 leuchtendblau Cotone by Lana Grossa
€2.95 * / 50g (Basic price €59.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €59.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 213 gelb/violett/türkis Baby Cotton Color by Lang Yarns
€5.62 * / 50g €6.25 (Basic price €112.40 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €112.40 / 1 kg)
Merino 120 by Lang YARNS Merino 120 by Lang YARNS
€6.25 * / 50g (Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €125.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 331 minttürkis Linarte by Lana Grossa
€4.95 * / 50g (Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 3 gelb Glamcot by Lana Grossa
€3.95 * / 50g (Basic price €79.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €79.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 19 violett Campo by Lana Grossa
€4.95 * / 50g (Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
Summer Softness by Lana Grossa Summer Softness by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 15 violett Airy by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 59 orange Donegal Tweed+ by Lang YARNS
€8.05 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €161.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €161.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 30 pink Soffio by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 25g (Basic price €238.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €238.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 9 mohnrot Setosa by Lana Grossa
€7.96 * / 50g €9.95 (Basic price €159.20 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.20 / 1 kg)
Cotone Vintage by Lana Grossa Cotone Vintage by Lana Grossa
€2.97 * / 50g €3.50 (Basic price €59.40 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €59.40 / 1 kg)
Farbe 107 oliv/grün/gelb-/wald-/graugrün Diversa Print by Lana Grossa
€2.97 * / 50g €4.95 (Basic price €59.40 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €59.40 / 1 kg)
Farbe 8 gelb Linissimo Linea Pura by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7 lila Sottile by Lana Grossa
€8.50 * / 50g €8.95 (Basic price €170.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €170.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 22 zitrusgrün Puro Vegano by Lana Grossa
€5.90 * / 50g €6.95 (Basic price €118.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €118.00 / 1 kg)
Diversa by Lana Grossa Diversa by Lana Grossa
€4.95 * / 50g (Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 4 blau Cotton Wool Linea Pura by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 34 blau Celeste by Lang Yarns
€4.99 * / 50g €5.95 (Basic price €99.80 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.80 / 1 kg)
Farbe 41 orange Per Lei GOTS by Lana Grossa
€4.95 * / 50g (Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €99.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 57 weinrot Cashmere 16 fine by Lana Grossa
€9.95 * / 50g (Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
Star Uni von Lana Grossa (113) azurblau Star by Lana Grossa
€2.50 * / 50g (Basic price €50.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €50.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 1606 schwarzrot meliert Cool Wool Big by Lana Grossa
€5.95 * / 50g (Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.00 / 1 kg)
Summer Cashmere by Lana Grossa Summer Cashmere by Lana Grossa
€9.95 * / 50g (Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €199.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 3 orange/creme Bottoni by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Cottonhair by Lana Grossa Cottonhair by Lana Grossa
€11.95 * / 50g (Basic price €239.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €239.00 / 1 kg)
Natural Lama Chunky by Lana Grossa Natural Lama Chunky by Lana Grossa
€7.95 * / 50g (Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €159.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 101 gelb Natural Lama Fine by Lana Grossa
€8.95 * / 50g (Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
Lucida by Lana Grossa Lucida by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Vintage Chunky by Lana Grossa Vintage Chunky by Lana Grossa
€6.95 * / 50g (Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €139.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7 rosa Royal Alpaca by Lana Grossa
€13.95 * / 50g (Basic price €279.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €279.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 509 goldbraun Vintage Superchunky by Lana Grossa
€11.99 * / 100g €13.95 (Basic price €119.90 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €119.90 / 1 kg)
Astra by Lang YARNS Astra by Lang YARNS
€12.95 * / 25g (Basic price €518.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €518.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 9 rosa Fortuna by Lang Yarns
€11.65 * / 50g €12.95 (Basic price €233.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €233.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 10 blau Venus by Lang Yarns
€8.95 * / 50g €9.95 (Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 8 bordeaux Superkid Seta by Lana Grossa
€8.95 * / 25g (Basic price €358.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €358.00 / 1 kg)
Farbe 4 rosa/lila Harmony by Lang Yarns
€17.95 * / 100g €19.95 (Basic price €179.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.50 / 1 kg)
Farbe 7 orange/nelkenrosa/dunkelblau Merino Lace Aquarell by Lana Grossa
€17.95 * / 100g (Basic price €179.50 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €179.50 / 1 kg)
Natural Superkid Tweed by Lana Grossa Natural Superkid Tweed by Lana Grossa
€9.95 * / 25g (Basic price €398.00 / 1 kg)
(Basic price €398.00 / 1 kg)